our water Infrastructure


Water Distribution and treatment are no easy tasks. Both require knowledgeable and skilled operators who must go through rigorous state testing and ceritfication programs in order to assure that your drinking water is clean and safe. Most water operators also carry Class A Driver Licences in order to transport the appropriate equipment to and from water pipeline failures/emergencies. Today, we are seeing an uptick of our aging water infrastructure failures, along with an aging workforce. 



Water WarPath is exactly what it sounds like, a war path to provide solutions to industry related challenges that are inevitabley going to affect the future of our infrastructure and the future of our industry in general if those challenges remain unsolved. We understand the importance of what operators accomplish and appreciate the sacrafices each operator makes in order to provide the public with clean water. Therefore, we aim to bring awareness to the public about just how much goes into this process, and spearhead industry specifc challenges before its too late.

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This is our pipeline of efforts to drive change and provide solutions. Just like water, lets make sure our delivery is safe, and effective.


A little about me: my name is Kevin, a water distribution operator in Northern CA. Partnered with another industry professional Kendall- who now has gone into private contracting for a waterworks and excavation company in Northern Idaho. For over a decade, we have swapped stories and discussed with eachother how we can make things better in this industry. Over 20+ years of combined water utility experience, we put together a plan that will not only benefit individual operators in their careers, but will aslo help shape our industry into what it should be. Well the time has come, and we need YOU to unite with us in these efforts. Are You Ready?