

the first image you saw was a fire uniform (but you already knew that right?) well, For example: a child in the backseat of the car, on the way to the store with their parents, sees a firefighter and immediatley says "mom, dad, LOOK A FIREMAN!" but what happens when the child sees a water utility worker? im willing to bet 9 out of 10 times that children have no idea what a water operator is doing or what they wear. Water WarPath aims to bring some type of change in this regard and with the help of fellow tradesworkers and the water operator community, find some type of industry specific standardized apparel or uniform that will aid in public awareness. Another common misconception we hear alot is that fire departments maintain the fire hydrants, that is false. Water operators make sure the fire departments are supplied with adequate water pressure, flow, and equipment such as hydrants in order to protect the community from fires. Operators have to maintain their systems hydrants every year to make sure they are functioning properly and also use them to flush stagnatnt water from the sytem and draw fresh water into certain areas.




Water WarPath was created by water operators for water operators. We understand that water is the lifeblood of our society and our operators are the gaurdians of the most precious recource on earth. Without clean, safe, Drinking water, our society as we know it could not function. We aim to provide real solutions to industry related challenges, and with a community driven effort we can accomplish those goals together. 

Want to get involved? send us a message, and stay tuned.

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